Friday, February 20, 2009

I've moved

This is to let you all know that I've moved to WordPress. I was having so much trouble with Blogger I decided to try another one. My new blog is at .

Thing #5 Flickr

This is a wonderful place to get lost in. The photos here can take you anywhere you want to go, which is why I choose Colorado, which is where I was born and raised. I miss the beautiful mountain ranges and especially the fall colors. Lots of beautiful pictures to look at. I really liked this one.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thing #4 RSS and Newsreaders

Well, my immersion into RSS feeds was not for me. Talk about information overload! I don’t like the idea of information constantly flowing to me. I looked at Google Reader and NetVibes and wasn't interested. I guess I’m just old fashioned, but I like going to a website when I want to, a blog when I want, getting news when I want, contacting friends when I want. I don’t need a place where the latest update on my interests are pushed on me. This is not how I inform myself. If I’m little behind that’s alright. Slow down you move too fast! I find the concept very distracting.

For those who don’t like people or things infringing on your space, this is not for you (or me). So for the moment, I will have nothing to do with RSS feeds, and feel my life better for it.

Thing #3 Blog search tools

I compared Technorati and Google Blog Search. The interface of the Google produst was so much easier to see, and the results seemed more relevant to what I was expecting then Technorati.

I guess the value of blogs has been established, so it seems right that there should be a tool whereby one can search for blogs according to certain criteria. As with so much of library 2.0 stuff, until your find youself really thinking about how you can use the tool, it's out of one's radar. I now know that there are lots of blog searching tools, so if, or when, I need or want to look for blogs, for whatever reason, I'll know where to go.

Thing # 2 - What is Web 2.0

Our library is just beginning to explore and use library 2.0 technology. I happened across a quote by Roy Tennant, a knowledgeable and respected digital librarian. He says, “It’s easy to be dazzled by all this new technology and way of doing things, but we can never lose sight that this will only work if we create collections and services that our community find compelling.” Our library will increase in use and prominence if we continue to keep doing what we do best --offer the best selection, quality, organization and access to information with an outstanding service attitude.

I think these fundamental values are good reminders, good signposts that will keep us balanced as we incorporate more and more of the web 2.0 features into our libraries, and as we shift our consciousness to bringing the library to the library user.